Once again, this blog will be mostly pictures…but I will
also try to fill you all in on some of what’s happened since I last posted.
I’ll start with volleyball…
We’re still undefeated! We’ve only dropped one set so far; it was to the second
place team in our pool. We have another match this weekend against the team in
4th place. It’s an away game, so we’re leaving at 7am :/ The weekend
after that will be our last match before we break for Christmas/New Years. It’s
a French Cup match against a team that is supposed to be pretty good…we’re
picked to lose! So hopefully we can pull an upset and end the year on a high
I finally got my visa! I can legally stay in France now! Woo hoo! The process
of getting a visa was long, confusing, involved excessive amounts of paperwork
and one very long trip to the French consulate in Los Angeles. The only bright
side to dropping my passport off at the consulate was that I got an unexpected
trip home to see my friends and family.
On November 11 I flew from Paris to London, then took a flight from London to
Phoenix. In an attempt to get myself on the correct time zone, I chose to stay
awake for the entire trip. It was a horrible idea. I went to bed at 11:30pm
Phoenix time (730am Paris time) and managed to get a whole 4 hours in before
finding myself wide-awake. The next day morning I took care of some last minute
paperwork for the visa, and then drove 7 hours to Los Angeles. I ended up
staying at my Uncle Brian’s house. It was perfect because it meant I got a
chance to see my cousins Liz, Frank, and Erin (and Liz’s new baby boy)!
The next morning Erin and I drove 2 hours to the French
Consulate. Erin joined me so that I could take advantage of the carpool lane
and hopefully avoid the LA traffic. Unfortunately, I didn’t check what route my
GPS chose…we ended up driving through neighborhoods, over a mountain (literally…),
and never once got to use a carpool lane! I did arrive on time though, so no
harm done. I handed over my paperwork and passport and was told to expect my
passport in the mail sometime between 10-14 days. My flight was booked for the
night of the 14th day, so I was praying that their estimates were
accurate! Erin and I drove back to Valencia, where we met up with my Aunt Tina
and Liz for lunch. After lunch I said goodbye to everyone, then hit the road
for another 7-hour drive.
I arrive home from LA
about 11pm and went straight to bed because I had another long day of travel
ahead of me. The next morning I left Phoenix at 9:30 and headed for Tucson. I
had lunch with my dad’s side of the family at Smashburger. Unfortunately, I had
to catch a flight to Denver that night, so I was only able to stay for two
hours before turning right back around and driving back to Phoenix. I had a
quick two-hour flight to Denver, where I met up with my sister.
The next morning I woke up at 5 and was at the gym by 5:30 so that I could see
my friends and get a workout in before I left town again. After Kelly got off
work, her boyfriend drove us to the airport. I had two United Club passes, so
we killed time in the airport eating all the free snacks we could handle. We ended
up being late to board our plane because we were enjoying the free snacks so
much that we didn’t want to leave. We had a two-hour flight to Kansas City and
then an hour drive to Burlington, Kansas. My parents recently took contractor
positions at the Nuclear power plant there, so they will be living in Kansas
for the next two years.
We spent the weekend soaking in all that Burlinton had to offer…we saw a dam,
went to the local swap meet, and visited the Shopco (which my mom could not
stop talking about). The highlight of the weekend was when we bought a
Christmas tree, then forgot to load it in the car. We didn’t remember until a
few hours later, but were able to track it down. On Sunday night we drove back
to Kansas City and flew back to Denver.
My last night in Denver was awful. I made plans to go out to
dinner with friends, but an hour before we were supposed to meet up my stomach
started to hurt pretty badly. Since it was my last night in town I didn’t want
to cancel…I wouldn’t see everyone for another 7 months, so I figured I could
just tough it out. About an hour after we go to the restaurant I started
throwing up and it continued for the rest of the night. The next day I woke up
and was feeling better so I went to workout. I ended up getting a PR for power
clean (190#!) and then went home to pack. As soon as I got home my stomach
started hurting again, which made me nervous, as I had 15 hours of travelling
ahead of me.
The flight from Denver to London ended up being halfway empty, so I had an entire
row to myself! I took some medicine and laid down for the entire flight. After
I landed in Paris one of the representatives picked me up from the airport. He
told me that my team wasn’t practicing that night, but that my coach wanted me
to go to the gym to “work off the jet lag” that night. I went home and tried to
nap a little bit, but before I knew it, it was 8:30pm and I was at the gym
That Saturday was my Thanksgiving! Christy, her husband Marc, her American
friend Amanda, and I made plans to cook a thanksgiving dinner for a French
couple that Christy and Marc knew. It didn’t go quite as well as I had hoped.
Before I left the US I was assigned the pecan pie, which calls for Karo syrup.
I forgot the bottle in the US and consequently was forced to make it from
scratch. My homemade Karo syrup was basically sugar-water. Amazingly enough,
the sugar-water filling was probably the best part of that pie. Because Amanda
and I weren’t able to find pre-made dough at the grocery store, I also made the
crust from scratch. The recipe that I found online called for butter, but
Christy didn’t have any…so I figured I could substitute with vegetable oil…but
she didn’t have any regular vegetable oil either…so I ended up using olive oil.
The third problem with the pecan pie was that we didn’t have enough pecans for
the pie, so it ended up being a pecan/walnut pie. In hindsight, that really
wasn’t a problem. Walnuts are delicious.
Our Thanksgiving menu ended up being:
Friend cauliflower and zucchini made by Marc
Mashed potatoes and corn made by Christy
Roasted duck provided by the French couple
Stuffing made by Amanda (it had sausage and apples in it…so
Pumpkin pie (the crust for this one turned out slightly better…I found canola
Pecan/Walnut pie
The pecan/walnut pie ended up being awful. I took one bite
and had to force myself to swallow it. The recipe called for 3 eggs, which in
my opinion was 3 eggs too many. It ended up tasting like a pecan pie omelet.
After a fun Thanksgiving night I caught a train from Paris back to Melun to
rest up for my match the next day.
The only other exciting thing that’s happened since I’ve
been back was an allergic reaction I had two days ago. I think it was a
reaction to fish oil pills (although I’m not 100% sure). I ended up breaking
out in really bad hives and had to sleep with my windows open because the cold
air was the only thing that made my skin feel better. Luckily the bumps were
almost completely gone the next morning when I woke up. That night though, my
face swelled up and I had to go to a practice with a puffy, red, face.
I’ll try to put up another post of other things that have
happened in the past two months…but until then, here’s all the pictures that
I’ve taken on my iPod!
The scoreboard from a Rowling game. Here's a link if you want to learn the rules |
Tim's puppy!! |
The most beautiful salad I've ever made...I miss Whole Foods! |
It snowed while I was in Denver...I made Kelly get out to scrape |
A beautiful, snowy, Denver night |
Liz's baby...Steve/Doug Butabi |
An Arizona sunset |
My first escargot |
Went to watch a volleyball game with Christy and Marc |
waiting for the train to the airport...heading to the US! |
the infamous pecan/walnut pie...before baking |
Amanda hard at work on the stuffing |
The pean/walnut pie. For what it's worth, it looked and smelled delicious. |
Clement during a game of Rowling |
A Christmas market in Paris |
My club's gym at night |
Hives. awful, horrible, itchy, hives. |
a random building I walked by today |
Notre Dame |
Notre Dame |
Notre Dame |
Random street in Paris |
Overlooking the Siene..Notre Dame in the background |
the Siene |
My favorite bridge |
My favorite row of apartments |
The Louvre |
A Metro stop |
View from the Metro |
Because you can never have enough Eiffel tower pictures. |
delicious sausage from the Christmas market |
YO. You know what your blogging problem is? THIS blog is like FOUR blogs, and you put them all in ONE! Spread out your stories, and you'll be pro in no time. ;)